The Unexpected Journey is a video project that seeks to "wake people up" from their lives by encouraging them to experience travel, culture, and charitable acts. Co-creator Mitch Summers chats with Mark about his own awakening, the goals for his self-funded project, and which country his team of five will travel to first to shoot their premiere television episode.
The Wall Street Journal's Andrew Blackman and photographer Genie Austin chat with us about their nomadic life. In 2015, the couple sold most of what they owned and hit the road. They tell Mark about their biggest discoveries about themselves, how they earn money to keep up the lifestyle of an explorer, and their top tips for travelers who want to experience a week—or a year—on the road.
Henrik Jeppesen was just 27 years old when he completed his quest to visit every country in the world. Neither money nor war stopped his adventure. Jeppesen chats with Mark about his next goal, his top tips for travelers to save money, and his favorite places.
Brett Snyder runs the very popular, an 11-year old aviation industry blog with a loyal and devoted following. Brett shares with Mark how he got his start in the travel industry *in middle school*, some of his adventures in the air, and his top tips for fliers when their travels don't go exactly as planned. As a bonus, Brett brings us some breaking news - the date of his next Dorkfest at LAX.